
St Charles & St Thomas More

Parish Leadership Group

“The Parish of St Charles & St Thomas More, illuminated by Christ and led by the Holy Spirit, seeks to bring that light to South Liverpool. Nurtured by scripture, prayer and the Sacraments, we journey together, seeking to come closer to God, so that we can proclaim His love, in our thoughts, words and actions, by striving to be a loving and welcoming community.”

Parish Leadership Group

Summary of the Meeting held on 26th November, 2018.

1. News since last meeting
a. Junior Youth Group is now growing week by week.
b. Young Adults Group (over 18s) has restated and a trip to Poland is being planned.
c. The new Parish Website is up and running.  You can find the website at stcharlesandstthomasmore.org.uk and you can email Mike with news items at stcharles@rcaolp.co.uk
2. The group have been working on a Parish Mission Statement.  

The Parish of St Charles & St Thomas More, illuminated by Christ and led by the Holy Spirit, seeks to bring that light to South Liverpool. Nurtured by scripture, prayer and the Sacraments, we journey together, seeking to come closer to God, so that we can proclaim His love, in our thoughts, words and actions, by striving to be a loving and welcoming community.’


3. Synod 2020 Parish Representative

Nominations have been received and our representative will be announced soon.

4. Planning

All parish groups will submit a timetable of events to Mike for inclusion in the calendar.

Planning for Tom Clarke’s ordination is already underway.  All parish groups are invited to get involved.

5. Our next meeting

This will be on Monday, 29th January at 7.30pm.

We will spend some time hearing about each Parish Group and how we can co-ordinate with one another.  Groups are already doing a lot of good work and we need to share this among the groups and with others.  


Summary of Notes from Parish Leadership Group 28.01.19 Report from Fr James

There is a problem with mice in the meeting room. This is being addressed by Pest Control. All groups are asked to remove any food from their cupboards and to ensure that items such as soft toys or anything that can be nibbled is stored in sealed containers. The external door needs to be kept closed. It was suggested that a new doorbell be fitted on the external door (nearest the barracks).

Synod 2020. Margaret Thelwell will represent the Pastoral Area. A Parish Representative is still needed.

A question was raised about providing Mass Sheets for Christmas Masses. This will be addressed. We ran out of hymn books at Christmas Masses. Maybe people have taken some home by mistake. A note will be put in the Newsletter.

Information about Parish Groups
Baptism Preparation. There is a team of 9 catechists working to provide a course of 3 weekly meetings following the 9.30 Sunday Mass. Parents and child are welcomed at Mass before the first meeting. Parents book a date for Baptism within 3 months of the preparation course. Administration support is provided by Val.

Young Adults Group The current group has up to 10 people attending. Most are active participants at Mass and have come through the Pizza and Prayer Group. They meet each month and catechesis is included. A Pilgrimage to Poland is planned for September.

Junior Youth Group Up to 10 youngsters of primary school age meet 6pm – 7.30pm on Mondays during term time. Facilitated by Benedict and Sue.

Bereavement Care Group There are 12 people who have all attended Diocesan training. They visit recently bereaved families and provide a booklet to assist with funeral planning. They also visit after the funeral if required.

Pizza and Prayer Group. Comprises up to 20 young people from school year 7 up to age 18 who meet monthly to meet friends, pray – and eat pizza! They work hard at bag-packing, selling bacon butties etc. to raise funds to go to Lourdes.

Messy Church is now in its 4th year. Up to 30 children and their parents meet on one Saturday each month where they are welcomed, enjoy crafts together, share a simple liturgy and enjoy food.

Children’s Liturgy is provided at the 9.30 and 11am Masses each Sunday. Children hear the Gospel and use various material to help them to understand it.

First Holy Communion Preparation takes place each month, together with Reconciliation Preparation. Children and parents work together. Small groups of children receive First Holy Communion at the various Sunday Masses in June.

Parish Website. Can be found at www.stcharlesandstthomasmore.org.uk and contains lots of useful information including Newsletters, information on the Sacraments, Prayers etc. Profiles, testimonies and news items would be very welcome.

Prayer Group meets monthly in a parishioner’s home, usually on the first Monday of the month.

Thursday Afternoon Tea meets every Thursday in term time, 2pm – 3.30pm. There is tea, coffee and cake to enjoy and a different activity each week.

Journey Into Faith meets at 7.30pm each Wednesday in term-time.

Toddler Group meets every Wednesday morning in term time, 9.30 – 11.30 and up to 20 toddlers have great fun!

Pastoral Associate is Helen Jones. She is recently appointed to work across the parishes of St Anne & St Bernard, St Anthony of Padua, St Charles & St Thomas More, St Clare & St Hugh and St Wilfrid. Helen is currently spending a week in each of the parishes and visiting as many groups as possible.

The Neo-catechumenal Community is 18 people aged 15 – 70 years who evangelise by showing love and community. They would welcome any parishioners to their Mass on Saturday at 6pm.

Assin Foso, Ghana Over £13,000 has been raised to help with repairs and equipment for the school.

Date of next Meeting This will be on Monday, 25th February at 7,30pm