St Charles Borromeo
Charles Borromeo (Italian: Carlo Borromeo, Latin: Carolus Borromeus, 2 October 1538 – 3 November 1584) was Roman Catholic archbishop of Milan from 1564 to 1584 and a cardinal. He was a leading figure of the Counter-Reformation combat against the Protestant Reformation together with St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Philip Neri. In that role he was responsible for significant reforms in the Catholic Church, including the founding of seminaries for the education of priests. He is honored as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, with a feast day on November 4.
Following his death, popular devotion to Charles arose quickly and continued to grow. The Milanese celebrated his anniversary as though he were already a saint, and supporters in a number of cities collected documentation to support his canonization. In 1602 Clement VIII-beatified Charles. In 1604 his case was sent on to the Congregation of Rites. On 1 November 1610, Paul V canonized Charles. Three years later, the church added his feast to the General Roman Calendar for celebration on 4 November. Along with Guarinus of Palestrina and perhaps Anselm of Lucca, he is one of only two or three cardinal-nephews to have been canonized.
St Charles Borromeo's emblem is the Latin word humilitas (humility), which is a portion of the Borromeo shield. He is usually represented in art in his robes, barefoot, carrying the cross as archbishop, a rope round his neck, one hand raised in blessing, thus recalling his work during the plague.
Patronage | against ulcers; apple orchards; bishops; catechists; catechumens; colic; intestinal disorders; Lombardy, Italy; Monterey California; cardinals; seminarians; spiritual directors; spiritual leaders; starch makers; stomach diseases; São Carloscity in Brazil (as the name indicates) |
[Repeat the following prayer for 9 days in a row.]
O glorious St. Charles,
the father of the clergy,
and the perfect model of holy prelates!
You are that good pastor, who,
like your divine Master,
gave up your life for your flock,
if not by death,
at least by the numerous sacrifices
of your painful mission.
Your sanctified life on earth
was a spur to the most fervent,
your exemplary penance was a reproach to the slothful,
and your untiring zeal was the support of the Church.
O great Prelate,
since the glory of God
and the salvation of souls
are the only objects of solicitude
to the blessed in heaven,
vouchsafe to intercede for me now,
and to offer up for the intention of this novena,
those fervent prayers
which were so successful while you were on earth.
You are, O great St. Charles,
among all the Saints of God,
one in whose intercession I should most confide,
because you were chosen by God
to promote the interests of religion,
by promoting the Christian education of youth.
You were, like Jesus Christ himself,
always accessible to little ones;
for whom you broke the bread of the word of God,
and procured for them also the blessings
of a Christian Education.
To you, then, I have recourse with confidence,
beseeching you to obtain for me
the grace to profit of the advantages I enjoy,
and for which I am so considerably indebted to your zeal.
Preserve me by your prayers from the dangers of the world;
obtain that my heart may be impressed
with a lively horror of sin;
a deep sense of my duty as a Christian;
a sincere contempt for the opinion
and false maxims of the world;
an ardent love for God,
and that holy fear which is the beginning of wisdom.
[Mention your request]
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ hear us.
Christ graciously hear us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us.
Queen of Apostles,
pray for us.
St. Charles,
pray for us.
St. Charles, imitator of Christ,
pray for us.
St. Charles, faithful follower of Christ crucified,
pray for us.
St. Charles, replenished with the spirit of the Apostles,
pray for us.
St. Charles, consumed with zeal for the glory of God,
pray for us.
St. Charles, the light and support of the Church,
pray for us.
St. Charles, Father and Guide of the Clergy,
pray for us.
St. Charles, most desirous of the salvation of souls,
pray for us.
St. Charles, a model of humility and penance,
pray for us.
St. Charles, most zealous,
for the instruction of youth, pray for us.
pray for us.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,
spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,
graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us, O Lord.
V. Pray for us, O glorious St. Charles.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
Preserve Your Church, O Lord,
under the continual protection
of Your glorious Confessor and Bishop, St. Charles,
that as he was eminent for the discharge of his pastoral duties,
so his prayers may make us zealous
in the love of Your holy name:
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
St. Charles Borromeo Pray for us