Thursday Afternoon Tea at St. Charles Parish
Thursday Afternoon Tea Group
We meet weekly on Thursday afternoon from 2 to 3.30 pm in the Parish Hall.
The group was formed at Father James’s request to provide an opportunity for people to meet socially.
A small group led by Margaret Thelwell plans activities and organises refreshments. We are self-funding; donations are made to cover costs and the disposal of any surplus is discussed. Numbers vary from about eight to a dozen.
What do we do?
We have tea and cake and talk. Activities have included quizzes, talks, games, and demonstrations by visitors; also a visit to a recycling depot and running a coffee morning for Macmillan.
Who is involved?
All parishioners and their friends are welcome, male and female, old and young (including babies and children). The Hall has accessible facilities. Many people find it hard to come on their own to meet strangers but we are always glad to see new faces. Strangers become friends very quickly.
Why do we meet?
We meet to have fun and eat cake. We provide an opportunity for people to get together and enjoy each other’s company in an informal atmosphere. There is no charge and no demands are made on anyone.
How to get involved
If you would like to try our cake just turn up on a Thursday. Topics of meetings are regularly advertised in the newsletter. Drop in and out as you wish; it is not necessary to attend regularly. For more information contact Margaret Thelwell on 0151 427 0407